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(1 edit) (+5)

Cool game.

Personal wishlist:

More Vore types

Internal struggle, fight and escape mechanics.

Other than that, money well spent.


Honestly I'd enjoy a little 'conversing' with churning prey.


Wonderfully done game. Of course not without the occasion issue of the AI getting stuck on doors. Would love to see more updates and maybe a road log/update log of changes

Definitely need more scenes/moments where you can get CV'd yourself ♥ A proper sort of GAME OVER or at least be able to be PUMPED out proper into a condom~


15 dollars, crazy


this is a very great game so far! i hope this gets an update.


Приветствую поиграл в ваши игру русский язык не каретный  я мог бы это исправить если вам такой человек нужен будет мой дискорд для связи  "mixa12662"


It's a joke, right?

not just the translation into Russian is very bad in the game itself, so I want to fix it myself

Firstly, your parent post devoid of any punctuation, except for inverted commas. Secondly, you have 2=3 spelling mistakes in the text consisting of just 25 words. You somehow even managed to turn the word meaning "incorrect" into "not a carriage". And after all of this, someone downvotes MY comment. You've got a lot of nerve... Unless it's a way to say you are not joking. Then it's understandable. "Weird", but understandable.


Not bad but it could use something to give it more replayability (perk/equipment system maybe?). 

The AI tends to get stuck in some places in 3rd and 4th lvl (props/entrances)

Guards could use some variety (kobolds with cop hats would be nice)

The amount of churned targets transfered during sex is the exact same regardless if we are going at it with a tiny rodent or a big shark girl, makes little sense to me.

Solid 3,5/5 for now.


Bought this on steam, and absolutely loved it!
Has it got problems? Yes, it does. The AI gets caught on walls and obstacles, I've crashed a few times, and it's not very challenging. On the other hand, I love it to bits! The stealth is excellent, it's all super hot, and you find that just when you think you're safe, difficulty comes around the corner. I might not be saying this if I'd bought it full price, but I definitely feel it's worth the money I spent!
The only things I would suggest (apart from more maps and content, which I assume are being worked on now):

-achievements: This game can be extra fun when you set yourself extra goals, like, CV everyone in the level, or things like that. Special goals to achieve would help make the levels even more interesting and fun to explore. Alternatively...

-collectables: Again, something to encourage exploration of the level, finding hidden secrets and ideas.

-alternative dialogue mode: This may just be me, but I feel that being able to customise the dialogue of NPC's and the Agent during vore scenes, to help fit personal tastes, would be very fun! For instance, making the vore fatal, simply by changing the dialogue and level intro/outro text.


Oooh! Also, somthing just occured to me!
-Levels with a single use, complete ball emptier, that removes all of the churned targets from your balls. This would encourage players to save up as many enemies in their balls at once as is fesable, so that they can bring it to the emptier and get it done all at once, instead of each relief station having a limited number of uses counted by the load.

It might be a glitch but, if you "pull out" at just the right moment, you can eliminate your prey from your balls without using up an environmental use (condom/gh actor). It effectively makes their voring lethal by way of painting the walls or floor with them.

Really? I've never seen that! Is there a sort of timing guide I could check?

A simple game, but has potential, 10/10. I wonder if it will be released on android?


I really hope this game keeps getting more added to it! A few ideas came to mind while playing the game. Like having an enemy with huge balls that cumflates the player character making traversing the level more difficult. Maybe have the dragon cumflate the character before cock voring them. I know these are just my kinks coming through and I hope people don't mind that. I thuroughly enjoy the game. While the stealth mechanic is a little on the easy side it can be made considerably difficult by having to cockvore enemies inorder to keep them from allarming the guards. All I can say is I want more!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really like that cumflate idea, the first one you mentioned, making traversal harder.


really hoping more love gets given to this game cause its exciting. Modding capabilities would be phenomenal.

there's a few gripes i have with things like difficulty being very low and the lack of levels, as well as some more minor things like the lack of the door swinging on lockers when you hide, but they don't take much away from the fun I've had, especially trying to speedrun levels. Fingers are crossed for more levels and updates to come!!


I really hope that either an update gives it more CV preds, or that mods are allowed to add em. <3 Love being prey.

That being said, there is a couple glaring issues. Pathfinding is very mediocre for the game. People will bump into eachother, and if it's the same model, they become stuck rather easily. They can get stuck on physics objects they aren't allowed to move. And the dragon is hard coded to approach the nearest "prey" and will do so even if they can't possibly see it. Also not getting dumped into a condom or a partner after that scene feels criminal. XD The main issue with the Dragon is they get stuck rather easily. They'll grab a few rats, then get stuck in a metal detector somewhere. 

The last level feels like it has more of the pathfinding issues, but watching four sheep and a guard struggle because they each wanna use the elevator really drags a run on. ^^:


One other thing that is odd, but should be an easier fix. The dragon utilizes the Bunny's lines exclusively, which isn't normally a problem except for "Nothing but bunny cum" when they are a dragon, and the bunny saying things like "Wait! I have a meeting!" When getting caught.

Opened the options menu in the first level, and no matter what I did (hit esc, clicked the 'Go back' button, scrolled to see if I was missing something, etc), I couldn't close it again and had to quit and lose my progress. Wasn't much progress, but still an issue.


Absolutely amazing game I really hope more levels are made or at least a random  generation mode because I'm genuinely having fun speed running the city map.

Could be CV manually controlled?


I love the little easter egg room with all the Mawful plushies on the last level, does this mean that game is getting an update at some point?

Hello, I bought the game which is really great but I didn't receive a steam key, how can I get one? (otherwise its a great game)

Why would you need a steam key if you bought the game here?

because it says your purchase comes with a Steam key. then I don't know if there is workshop content on Steam? Otherwise, yes, I don't really need it.

Okay fair enough, I didn't notice the text when i bought the game

While I don't own this specific game to check, games on Itch that include Steam keys typically have a "claim steam key" button underneath all the download buttons on the downloads page.


Biggest  issue I have is the Boss Dragon on level 3 somehow knowing exactly where you are despite not being detected. Hard to stalk her... =.=; She just ZEROS IN In you.

also any plans for a 'sandbox' mode?

I experimented with that dragon somewhat, and it looks like he targets someone, and then continuously tries to path his way to them to consume them, and only them, unless distracted by noise or getting alerted by your presence. I don’t know what the exact targeting rules are, but it always appears to target someone that is close by, so if you’re stalking him he likely will target you eventually, especially since every NPC that’s gobbled up increases your chance of getting picked next.


sounds annoying really, especially when I wanna stalk them and observe them eliminating their own guards.

(1 edit) (+1)

pretty short and sweet game. Stealth is a little umm well easy so long as you don't go dragging around a massive sack making a bunch of noise. Also, for anyone who has figured this out but if you churn up someone you've inflated in the game you can then put them into another NPC to make them inflate even bigger. Found that little piece by just messing around rather than doing the objectives.

P.S I don't mind that the stealth is easy because it lets me fuck around in the game.

(1 edit)

Fun game with an interesting concept. I don't know what stage the game is in but there is a lot of detail and effort put in. I would love to see this game go further with whatever the creator(s) have planned. I played all the available content and am very satisfied with my investment. My favorite part is the dialogue between npc's after one has been "churned".

Not a bad game though might nitpick a bit would be nice if you could make your own character also more levels would be cool to for making your own character maybe add a hermaphrodite and be able to pick form any in game animal and make the hermaphrodite be more female just my thoughts. Still is a interesting and fun game.

Is there any part of this game not included in the Steam version? I hate it when creators delete some parts because of Steam regulations :(


could you add char customization like in kolbold-kare?

As for the last level, how can you tell which npc's are the ones for the optional objectives? They all look the same to me


the janitor is a rat girl she has a giant paint brush (supposed to be a mop) on her back

and the security captain has a captain hat


Head of Security is a security guard wearing a white peaked cap.

The janitor is a rat girl with a paint brush.


I bought it on steam so im able to play it on Steam Deck since my PC isn't too good. I really enjoy the game and Hitman-like stealthy missions BUT there are 2 things that i can't rate 10/10 because of.
In 3rd mission we have to CV dragon, and there is a risk of us getting CV'd instead. And honestly? I LOVE IT! When i read that i got really happy to try it out so i ran and let them eat me. And here are those 2 things:
1. When i got CV'd FPS fell down to 6-3 Fps (but it could be because it's SteamDeck instead of pc)
2. After getting CV'd, dragon doesn't cum us out into condom or someone. They just stroll around eating others and the only thing we can do is Esc-Quick Restart. What i would change here is make them cum us out into condom on one of machines or into some willing npc's (depending on which solution is closer) It would be really nice seeing us getting a taste of our own medicine this way.

Overaly,l i really enjoy the game cuz it's 9/10 and really hope that it will get updates in future with some new features like what i wrote above or new levels and more missions.


Heya, just to let you know it does seem to be a steam deck issue.  I ran on pc and the 3rd mission was fine no matter what i did.  I hope it gets fixed ^^

Thank you for the info!

Love your work man cant wait to try it out! :D
(Side note will you allow mods on this game like in koboldt kare?

I can't wait to try it! 

Out of curiosity, can you put someone pregnant in the game?

You can cum inflate some people who're bent over, if you count that.

Thanks so much


Cleared everything!! Will there be an update later?


So good!! All I can say is I'd love to see more missions in the future, this is a surprisingly enjoyable hitman-style stealh game with the goofy fun of horny balls getting you stuck in the doorway. Love it lmao


A post game feature where you play as the huge dragon would be neat.

Also a sandbox to play around in would be cool!


I'd recommend a door-close check to ensure the sack doesn't get pinched in a door like Mrs. Incredible. That, and/or a slow-squish behaviour that allows the malleable-sack-of-liquid to squish through doorframes, at a slow speed.

(1 edit) (+5)

The CV animation is pretty great with regards to the engine, and the gameplay revolving around the size of your balls and sneaking around through places you can still fit was pretty entertaining! Nearly completed every single objective, all in all a fun, entertaining, horny game. It's quite a treat! Also, fun Space Station 13 reference.

I hope this receives an update in the future with a sandbox, perhaps with a spawning system? Still, fun game regardless.


Not to be nitpicky or anything, the game is quite beautiful, but I'd like it if you could add some sort of sandbox so we can test the limits of how big the balls can get lol. Thank you for this art piece of furry porn gaming.

something i actually found out the balls can get massive tested it by cving cumflated workers 

if you cumflate 1 worker at a glory station then cv said worker then go to another station rinse and repeat you can get massive 

some of the workers can get massive as well same with the condoms they get so big they fill the room up completely


Review time:

For what it is. A small project about a rabbit CVing people. Its a 10/10

Does it have bugs? yes.
Will your balls get stuck on stuff and get you stuck? Yes
Will you feel like the game robbed you from being caught? yes.
Is it fun, goofy, and vorny??? Absolutely.

Looking forward to updates and patches.
Nailed it on the head Naelstrof! Keep it up my dude!

Okay, so for my review:

I'd say a 6.5/10
Gameplay runs pretty smooth, no major framerate drops, minus the cutscene camera seemingly freezing between transitions.
AI is alright... Barely serviceable. I've been able to "stealth" around someone by crouching by them...... WHILE they can clearly see me. I've only had that happen once, every other time they just slowly gain suspicion but if I can evade suspicion by sneaking in front of an AI, a little bit of yikes.

For the cumflating, I expected a little more with balls that size.

Pretty alright, but misses the mark a tad.

You can very easily sneak around while empty, but if you're swallowing someone or just have someone inside you people get alerted very quickly.

I feel like it's a bit too easy for me as well, but it is a porn game so... I imagine most people probably aren't really looking for challenging gameplay when they play this, lol


Ooops sorry, I forgot to enable the steam keys for the game. If you were looking for one, try again!

(1 edit)

You definately need to make a fix for colissions. your balls can get stuck and softlock you.

So where do we get the steam keys anyway?~


30 days of waiting has finally paid off

(1 edit) (+3)

1 minute.... Gentlemen... it's been an honor.


Don't you mean boner?



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