A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Buy Now$15.00 USD or more

Churn Vector is a single-player stealth action game, where instead of eliminating targets with a gun, you eliminate them with your cock!

Accidentally get caught? Store your mistake in the balls.

Physics simulated hefty balls, too many mistakes will drag you down!

Use various environmental stations to reduce your load.

Take on challenging contracts from characters trying to get vored discretely.

Churn Vector is made for Windows, Mac, and Linux with the following features:

  • Infinite fluid splatter tech, glorp up the whole world!
  • Procedural penetration deformations for toys and characters during sex.
  • An advanced AI system that uses imperfect information to track you down as a team.
  • Eight unique furry characters to vore and have sex with.
  • Cum inflate characters at glory hole stations!
  • Three playable maps with various objectives and characters.
  • "Churn" characters into sentient filled condoms!

This game presents non-consent light-heartedly and humorously. Consent in real-life must be treated seriously and with respect.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Jan 12, 2024
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(106 total ratings)
TagsAdult, Stealth, vore
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller, Playstation controller


Buy Now$15.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

cvproject-linux-universal.zip 846 MB
Version 8a6f324b
cvproject-windows-64.zip 817 MB
Version 8a6f324b
cvproject-osx.zip 836 MB
Version 8a6f324b

Development log


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Could just be me, but I feel like having a tutorial in order to get used to the controls and the basic mechanics would be really helpful. /gen




Add a mobile game as well


When will this be updated on Itch.Io?

It is up-to-date! Sorry a bug with my build system (typo on "version" as "verison") caused the build numbers to not correctly update on the webpage. You can now verify the hash with the one present on Steam!

Is there oral vore in this?

With the right mods in the steam workshop yes.

You’re saying there are official oral vore mod for this on steam?

(1 edit)

quiet a few yes although some of them are kind of iffy on the AI for the not player versions. However none of them are the normal player character ie the rabbit.

Thank you kindly for getting back to me, I cant seem to find any links to the Oral Vore mod, for Churn Vector, would you kindly be able to send me a link? 






Sure heres some that I found in the steam workshop.


you can make a mobile version or at leest make it browser?


Why in the absolute unadulterated fuck would you want a mobile version?


1 im broke 2 i dont have a pc 3 im broke 4 idk how to build a pc 5 i alredy told you im broke?


Well maybe you should add that you're broke? Because otherwise, it sounds like you're like that one freak in the eyephone commercial.

(1 edit) (+4)

If they are so broke. How dafuq did they afford a phone that could run this?


Anyway to change dialogue in the game?

can i get this game on steam even though i bought it via itch.io? i want to use the workshop on steam


erm, pls update the game maybe?


I think he abandoned it like he abandoned his last 3 projects.

The itch page isn't updated, but the game is as of March 8th


It's been 7 months without an update, that's pretty sad, I was actually looking forward to new regular updates but there's nothing. The game has potential, but it's wasted...

The itch page isn't updated, but the game is as of March 8th

Thx i didnt now tha


I'm really enjoying this game as something I wanted to start with, but I was curious about modding. I had seen where something was being made as either a mod or possible update, but it was something about adding other types of vore into the game. If it's a mod, has something been made for it and if so I was curious about how to get it so I can add it. You're doing a great job with it and I like what's been done so far, keep up the good work.

Has anyone made a human modle mod for this yet like for the player or character customization would be cool to like hair and sizing if you know what i mean


Is there any way through file editing to disable the character spewing cum everywhere? I get it's hot for many people, but i'd recommend doing a toggle button for it. not very stealthy if you feel like everyone can trace your hideout by following the SEA of cum everywhere lmao

1 вопрос поддерживаеться ли эта игра версией юнити 2022.3.46ф1? так как версия 2022.3.19ф1 вызывает ошибку загрузки локации. видела скриншот в гитхабе что вы использовали 10 версию. 19 версия взята с скриншота от КК


the only thing stoping me from buying this game is that idk if its worth it, plz make a demo

its short but its worth it, especially now that it has modding support

(6 edits) (+1)

this doesn't really help with my decision, I don't even know what those mods can and can't do..

Can they add levels ? can they change the player's character/skin ? can they add ennemies ? can they add mechanics ?

EDIT: just took a look at the steam workshop and.. I like what I'm seeing soo far, I'm definitely buying it in the future


how about make a demo so people now waht they are buying?


Hey Naelstrof I have a question. A few updates ago you removed the female mice dumps in the garage of the city in favor of Opossum males, can we have the reason why? Honestly there's many people that are upset by this and want them back me included. It'd be nice if you could at least place a few mice dumps in a few of the maps where they would be appropriate. Anyway thanks for at least reading this if nothing else.


Is there a way to get the 1.0 version of the game? I liked the feel of the movements and the more extreme ball size overall.

(3 edits) (+11)

Steam customer here.
Love, love this game, but need more lewd things to happen to you when you're captured. <3 Like NPCs that successfully cockvore player should cum you into one of the same stations you'd use -- stuffed animal, breeding station, or a willing partner, so you end up in a condom~
Or even something else lewd after you get stungunned/captured! Since they're the horny police: Cock cage?

Hell I wanna be able to bend over next to one of the glory holes for public use but there's no gameplay purpose I can think of for that. xD

(1 edit) (+6)

A very cool game, but it’s a pity that the enemies that catch us essentially do nothing with us, even the same enemies who also have the ability to CV do nothing except carry us.

 It would be great if there were random side tasks such as “Remove one person from office forever by using a resurrection machine to turn her not back into a humanoid, but into an adult toy or underwear and take it to the customer who is waiting in a certain place on the map to take this thing from you."

Um, so the 4th level u can literally blitzrun right through everyone all the way to the end.


are you gonna add any sort of new campaigns? and, if you do, will there be new sets of quests in mind? like needing to CV everyone, or a sort of stealth mission, etc.

(1 edit) (+7)

Suggestion:  I noticed several unmarked condoms around levels, and reviving them does nothing.  Mark two random ones with pictures of the 'Nut Bandits', a tanuki and a squirrel.  If you revive them, they will stealth around and CV anyone they meet that aren't the main objectives; they carry an onahole, so they make condoms without using resources.  They can get stunned by security but won't cause an alert(they are used to these troublemakers), interact to snap them out of it.  If they get Dragon CV'ed, they leave a condom to be revived again, workers know not to revive these ones.  If you get CV'ed, you'll get dropped as a condom, and their logic changes to attempt to get to you and pull you to be revived.    Otherwise they are just good distractions.


i like this idea, having little co-agents..

gives a sense of multiplayer for the game!


Bug 1

I think the new detection system doesn’t works well with the Dragon’s CV mechanic. While you’re getting CV’d, the suspicion meter continues to fill. If it goes to yellow before you’re halfway down (which it almost always does) you get ejected again. This turns this enemy into a non-threat because you can just sprint up to it, and if grabbed just wait to be ejected again, which stuns the Dragon briefly.

Bug 2

There’s also a bug that prevents the suspicion meters from resetting when you’re CV’d leaving everyone in a “frightened” state which makes no sense if you’re gone.

Feature request 1

The tower level is pretty long and the first half of the level is not that interesting. It would be great if it (and possibly other future levels that are long) had a system where you can start at predefined locations once you discover them.

Feature request 2

Since the dragon is looking for you in the tower level, it would be amusing if other NPCs would walk to the dragon and unload you into it if they happen to CV you.

Will there ever be a way for the npc preds to unload the player into a condom

the plap sounds are not working anymore

where are the files for the posters and paining located. im talking about the ones that are like "do not sex on work" with an angry dog on it


Bought the game on steam and i absolutely love it beaten every level and sloshed every character! 

the only request I'd make is to make it where the enemy preds will use the relief stations if they churn up npcs or us!


uh. How to start the debug mode?

The update is just great. I'm looking forward to the next updates. And if there is still a new campaign and new main characters with their members who can be chosen, there will be a BOMB at all!


https://sfmlab.com/project/4f989d55-ca6d-4538-b08b-4d5a63675fb1/ (Rainbow exe.) 

https://sfmlab.com/project/9a4c1dd2-d906-437d-96e3-b3af208a946e/ (пакет моделей Некст ген) 

https://sfmlab.com/list/160adb5c-d4be-4b46-8757-8009ceb05a9e/ (сам поисковик, может быть сфмлаб у вас как и у меня будет текстовым, но иногда у сайта есть картинки в которых можно ознакомится) о персонажах. Конечно предоставленные эти не являются коболтами. Но как ценительница Высокого контента я не против играбильных антро:)

Купила его на Стиме. Очень радует. Радует также то что можно выбирать персонажей (в мастерскую Стима зайти и выбрать, а через свойства беты версии выбирать приоритет) в главном меню нет функции выбора персонажа.

Нехвотает редактора тела, увеличить/уменьшить. Добавить/убрать. Перекрасить:)

Вопрос? Будет ли чуть больше персонажей например Beast darling? Mal0.(Если б Итачи ио поддерживал то поделилась интересными модельками, правда их нужно было б конвертировать в ту версию которая поддерживает churn vector)

Чуть больше игрушек/возможностей игры "соло- мастурбац" Beccrums уровни, Кооп салки в лесу. (Как Слендермен но, как салки, кто первый съел. Тот победил) В общем игра хороша и на равных стоит с FermD, Kobolt care.:)

К игрушкам относиться: что-то что позволяет рожать тех кого ты съел (если гг фемка)" потому что жиравка которую мы грузим через рот, имеет малость несоответствие в анимации также как плющевые/спец игрушки.

Вопросом к фута гг нет, так как анимации игрушек качественны, но хотелось как-то снимать груз через игру соло. Пусть с штрафом к скорости, и взаимодействовать с яйцами, взять их например на лапы чтобы можно было перекидывать их через шерокую сверху дверь, так как она узка с низу.

Непомишает функция оглушения жертв чтобы наполнить их грузом)

И сделать рабочих более опасными если их другие сотрудники спасли, например они могут "сьесть" тебя или рандомного нпс. Просто потому что им захотелось удовлетворится.

Пишу на русском языке, сайт переведен на русский. Такчто инглиш сайт может напортачить с переводом

(2 edits) (+3)(-2)

i buy it on steam i love it could be nice if there could be more vore type and use them for some place you could do them like anal you go up then jump on someone and could be nice to have a mod with a futa human 

i will train to make model on blender i hope i could made one human 

one day on the workshop 

also could be nice if cockvore take sometime a little bit just to see well the animation of course if possible 

How can I enable first person view mode on this update?

Press Q twice.

Hello!Could you add a function that when you go to the settings, you can make sure that the penis does not go down!Well, when the penis had no reality and when the penis was rising, it no longer fell back.Please add this!


I'm downloading the mods with the steamCMD tool and trying to get them working on the itch version but it appears to be having trouble

steam version is not an option because my family can see my steam library

They added a Mark private feature on steam under mange when you right click them in your library


I made a crude mod manager for the game: https://github.com/AyrA/CvModManager/releases

Run it, press “I” to install a mod, then drag the mod folder from SteamCMD (the folder that contains info.json) into the console window.

Installed mods are enabled automatically.

(1 edit)

it doesn't seem to be starting correctly

nevermind, I thought I had net8 installed already but I didn't

Deleted 279 days ago
Deleted 279 days ago
(1 edit)

it does not seem to be downloading into the manager, it says it needs to be a .zip file when using the info.json file. (i have net8 installed, it still doesn't work)

You need to use the folder that contains the json file, not the json file itself.

tried using it but it just kept saying file dosent exist

So quick question. Has the Dragon boss relentlessly chasing the player as if they were an NPC been fixed yet or no? As otherwise if she spots you even once it's basically all over. Don't get me wrong it adds a big threat but it also makes that stage almost impossible to enjoy too.

If she spots you as the closest actor, she will start to chase you, but you're literally able to just stick behind a corner, let her get close, and try to time the E press. Alternatively, let her walk up to start snacking on someone, and get her as the animation finishes. 

Someone made a mod that replaces her with a smaller, light blue dragon on the workshop, and turns out her speed becomes *much* more hazardous! She is basically sprinting after cock snacks XD

Yeah I know about that mod, so Dragon boss still hasn't been fixed yet? Well that suck. I barely managed to beat that level due to how hoe A.I is at the moment. Hope it gets sorted soon.


i just ran up and jumpscared her like foxy does in fnaf

(2 edits) (+3)(-46)

Augh. Furries.

Why is it always furries?

Make a human based version and I'd buy.


i agree how ever if it is maded in unity you perhaps could make it yourself/make a mod as it says it come with a steam key (the mod thing might work if thay have the worshop enabeld)


Uuuggghhh, how DARE someone make something I don't like? The very audacity of it!

There is modding support now, so get someone to make you some humans and you're all set!


is there a way to turn of boobs?

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