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Why does the steam version look so different?



is there a way to have different types of penises on the player kobold?


just past the forest where you can find fruit on the trees now and then there is a cave and if you traverse down into it a you'll find a creepy guy in a tent who sells some. once you buy one it's just equipping it like the tail bags you can find in the shop in the town area


the tub will no longer fills and the thing on the top of the house will not drain those are the only two things i have noticed not working, i have yet to buy the 6000 and the 20000 dollar upgrades


from what i've seen the only upgrades that work are the three that cost 100. everything else pretty much doesn't work. the fridge upgrade to make ice for you only works until you quit and reload the game. i have no idea what the other building upgrades will do if they do anything at all. documentation is honestly kind of sparce

seeing as you can make a kobold as large as you want there should be a way to sell giant kobolds


eyyyyyy yall got the juicer fixed

whats new


188_D0A7B21 - the grinder just doesn't work once purchased. also the buckets are a big downgrade in usability verses the sprayers. 

how do i update to 180_7249464?


There was a bug with 180_7249464 that didn't end up totally fixing saving and loading so we delayed publishing. We're now on 182_0D8D67E, and it should be available on the app right now!

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Version 163_08121B8, saving's broken. Loading the most recent save deletes all Kobolds, respawning the two tutorial eggs (but not the two original Kobolds). The reagent buckets don't respawn, staying in the same state they were upon saving, right down to things like the watering can, if bought, remaining.
Upgrades like the ice maker, blender and seed maker all vanish, and the doors on the house also respawn.

fiddling around with it i think i found out a reason for saves breaking. something about buying a bomb causes this? and if you go into the appdata folders (AppData>LocalLow>Naelstrof>KoboldKare>Saves) and delete the most recent .sav file that doesn't have an image file with a matching number. you can get your saves back. this is a thing with 156_E944B35 and 163_08121B8

As others already mentioned I got problem with the saving breaking my game. Deletes saves and the UI dissapears with menu dissapear.

after clearing out appdata folders for this game the saves work again. version 156_E944B35
BUT, sometimes after longer sessions the ability to save will break again and i just lose any progress i had done. also loading back in on saves sometimes just freezes up the entire game. or somehow instakills my player. 
other than that things appear stable, but im noticing it seems a LOT harder to actually get kobold milk to go in the buckets. having to get a bucket on a table and hope i can position the kobold in the right spot to ensure the milk goes in the bucket and not all over the place is actually quite a hassle.

though because of constantly losing save data it's actually been quite near impossible to test the new purchasable items in the construction shop due to the lost progress. it normal i got into my game,and everything was lablef as "New text" and "F"

Also the water and cum looked a bit...bubbly

oh no, nope that is not normal! Could you let me know the game version (listed in the upper right in the main menu? Should be something like 158_3abe536)


having the same problem as grottoo, but im happy knowing ice properly works now as a reagent and that a hotfix will hopefully or eventually arrive in due time to fix the menus.


My build system had pushed one of the dev branches, the problem has been resolved. Version 153_4c0AB48 should be the working version!

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Newest update bricked the save feature, game kills the menu and clears your saves list completely as soon as you click the button to actually SAVE the game

Edit: Even the options menu is borked, upon trying to leave it just forces you to stay in the editing screen. All probably issues you're tracking, and you've done a lot so far, so it's probably just a slight hiccup between updates.

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Sorry! I've just fixed this issue, an incomplete build was pushed to itch. Things should be working now! aaaa

Ah, all better. Thanks!

What do multiplayer games need to be set up?

The whole farm area doesn't properly save or properly load. Hard to tell which one it is because after spending a LOT of bananas on blowing all the rocks up and saving the game, loading back in just has them all right there as if it never happened. It just goes back to the new game state. Please fix this, I had a lovely farm set up and it's all just rocks now.

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Is it just me or does ice not work properly currently. i tried making some milkshake with a bucket of milk and some ice together in the grinder. but when it came out and gathered in a second bucket it was still just milk.

Something about the latest update just... broke the game.

When using Mouse & Keyboard, trying to use a held object yields no response. Resetting all controls/switching to a different key, did not fix the issue.

Kobold interactions are all messed up as well. As in, "spines don't work that way" messed up.

which operating system are you using?

Windows 8.1

8 GB RAM, 64 bit OS

More! Update more! More!!!

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Is this the same version as the steam version?

And where do I find the Dildos?!

you can spawn in with one in options (enabling dick) or go to the caves and theres some at the bottom for a price. Think the underground cat has some somtimes but not sure

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Is steam version so cutted because i don't have any machines to combine fruits or my house is like one room only ? Everthing is not like on screenshots.

nah the screenshots havent been updated in awhile

Is there a way to swap the gender of the player character?

You can change that in the multiplayer section of the options menu (do note that some of the aesthetic change can make the game crash, i think those are the thickness and another option that changes the physique and the only way i found to avoid that is to change the said option and save as fast as i could)


Ok so,ngl,new version,new confusion,it just seemed like i was getting used to the previous version to TmT

Really having stability issues, it was running all smooth on the previous version but now as soon as I leave the house or use any liquids the frames drop and the sounds begin to stutter. I set everything on the lowest setting which didn't really help. I keep general graphics on medium because putting it on low will reduce the FPS to 20. Any advice?


Also, how to get juice from fruits in the current version?

I noticed that you've added all the way through. But when the kobold ejaculаtes, the semеn doesn't come from the head but as if it's still inside. Hope it gets fixed, bc it's my favorite fеtish. But asides from that, great game!


If this game is going to have any big places to explore like that crystal cave in the future, then either the day/night cycle will need to be extended a little, or that "sleep or die" gimmick needs to go...

agreed, granted the caves do count as a safe zone, if the wiki is still accurate that is

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steam No, the author only has native music

Are you doing regular updates for the version as well? Just wondering cuz I bought it here and not on steam


Yes, absolutely! Itch gets the same updates as Steam. Steam will rarely have access to a private beta, though only for stability testing.

Alright, great~ Thanks for the heads up!


Any changelog anywhere?

Yep! Both on Patreon ( and on Steam (


It might be worth adding that this does not include the smaller updates, so it's now like 4-5 versions behind (there was an update every day the last few days and once there were even two). As far as I know there's no changelogs for those and while they are probably supposed to be small hotfixes, they do add actual content (new items to equip, at least that's what I was able to see and verify). Also, for whatever reason the Linux version is now ahead by one update, so it's the only one that has the gloves item. You can DL the Linux version and paste over the content files into a Windows installation and it does work, but the game runs a lot worse like that and it looks a bit different too.

May I ask what does the gloves do? I'm on steam so I don't have access to linux version.

Double the carry limit. Didn't test it long enough to see if it stacks with the tail belt, but the stat screen claimed so.

Also, since there was no hand item slot before the gloves were added, the update also ups the amount of said slots from 7 to 8.


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The Linux version isn't ahead of the others! At least it shouldn't be. The version numbers are desynced due to a cancelled upload. Their contents shouldn't differ! I'll try to fix that discrepancy tomorrow.

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Thank you for your reply.

It's interesting though, I thought it might be just a glitch (for example, in the Itch's butler) or that the numbers aren't necessarily synchronised between the 3 versions.

As I've said before, it seemed that the last few days there was an update pretty much every day (admirable!) and, at the same time, people kept adding new equipable items to the Wiki, which I couldn't find without updating, so my guess was that those smaller updates contained those items (and possibly other mysteries).

The last item added there were the gloves, but I was unable to find any in the Windows version despite opening tens of chests (using the jump pad route to grab about 10 of them in like 2 minutes) for a few ingame days. Every other possible item dropped many times and by the end the "multi-chest areas" looked like a laser show. Additionally, the most recent Windows version available doesn't even have any equipment slot that the gloves could go into, which only confused me further.

I've noticed that the Linux version is one number ahead, so, just for fun, I DLed that and combined the files of the two to get it running on Windows. There were now 8 equipment slots, including a new one for hand items and I immediately looted a few pairs of gloves in the first spot I tried. Fun fact: it also made the clouds appear. Obviously, the game isn't meant to be used like that, so the performance was sketchy and I closed the game soon after to restore the Windows version to how it should be.

That's really wild! I've pushed a new update (and of course I immediately found an issue so there's an incoming hotfix). Hopefully that should fix any version discrepancies.

Please let me know if it seems like you're missing updates! I just kinda blindly run butler and it seems to always work. I'm sure there was a time where it failed to upload and I just didn't notice.


demo anywhere?

There currently isn't a demo. There probably won't be until the game is almost complete either. Sorry!



I think there should be more explanations regarding what stuff does. Eg. what’s the purpose of this frozen thing in fridge…


That's ice. You can use it to make milkshake, which can be used to thicken the kobolds. But yeah some explanations would be nice.

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